Just as I thought we could finally do with some peace for a while, trouble sniffed us out.
For the past two weeks I've tried to emphaize the urgency to look for a new place to stay, but Cow defers. I do understand that at the end of a working week he'd like to just enjoy the time he had before another week starts all over again. But reality is always there, whether we like it or not, I'd rather plan and make sure everything goes smoothly than to leave it till the last minute and rushing it through.
Yes, our landlady has decided to sell the property due to the many problems that arised, hence my urgency to look for a new place. Diligently studying the property column, I've managed to find one house that sounded pretty descent enough, but Cow decided not to view it. Maybe coz the sense of urgency has yet to catch up to him. Sigh.
And just yesterday, the landlady's sister called to inform us that she'd like to come over to pin up the banner to advertise for the property. Its only then that Cow realised that something's gotta be done, something that I do not totally agree with.
Instead of looking for a new dwelling, he's opting for the easy way out, leaving the country sooner than expected. Claiming how by moving here has created so many problems for him.
Instead of escaping, I wished he could just stood up and faced it.
Not that I'm blaming him, but this is how life is, there's always some problem somewhere that would put us off ease.
And as the topic of leaving this country came up, so did the subject of sending Yumi up for adoption. No doubt that was our intention in the first place, to house train her so that she stands a better chance in a good family, but its not hard to start to fall in love with her either.
It seemed that Cow had his mind set on her adoption, instead of even thinking of whether that's any way that she could come with us. Maybe its due to the hassle of moving her, the money involved in moving her or both that in the first place that he's not even considered her coming along with us.
Despite my love for dogs, I'm starting to doubt that I could ever keep any in the future, the departure, the disappointment. No more Crufts, No more dog forums. Dogs now would be known as dogs, they can't have a name. In fact, the pain of giving Yumi is so enourmous at the moment as I'm writing, that I'm even considering of looking for a new family for her. Having her for just under two months and I'm feeling the overwhelming sadness of leaving her behind, don't think I'd be able to take it if she stays with us any longer.
Maybe its that time of the month that I'm feeling depressed, or just plainly life bitch slapping me in the face. I'm feeling the blues.
Problem resolved after chatting.
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