Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Passing storm

Roaring thunder, drumming of raindrops on the roof, 'castle on a cloud' playing at the background. I'm at peace, staring into Yumi's eyes I see the contrary. I see fear.

The bubbly side of her has been overtaken by fear, loud noises startled her. For comfort and assurance, she now rest by my feet under the table. There's little I could do, quietly I sat beside her, waiting for the passing storm to subside.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Plane Spotting

On the way to collect Cow's stuff from work, he suggested stopping by the plane landing route for some snaps.
... ... ... ... ... as it turned out for me, its kinda boring. The only enjoyable part was chilling out with Super Cow.
No I can't even identify the difference between an Airbus or a Boeing, its just another plane to me.
During the interval of which landing, I discovered how charming Cow's legs looked lol, oh another finding, I'm more interested in rocks and pebbles than planes. Ultimate conclusion? I can never be a plane stalker!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Saint Valentine's

Cow, *grin* Happy Valentine's. *Hugs* Thanks for the flowers my Super Cow.
And to all out there, may you all have a great one.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Too lazy to cook

Dug up some frozen lamb chops from the freezer and dinner caveman style. BBQ under the moonlight sounds romantic,... not really when the porch is filled with choking smoke and left over coals on the floor to clean up the next day.

Thankful that I don't have to cook, Cow did all the dirty job inhaling all the soot on my behalf. Nevertheless dinner was as usual yummy, as he always puts it, cooked with love lol.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009



按快門的那份快感仿佛就把我帶進了另一個世界, 那個世界沒有任何人,只有我和手裏的相機。





Whenever I come across an object that interests me, there is an impulse to pick up the camera.
The excitement with every click of the shutter, absorbed into the pinhole, it brings me into another world.
At that very moment all the people and hassle around me just vanished, that world is silent.
I am not a photographer and my photos are not perfect, I'm merely writing a pictorial diary.
It slowly became an addiction.
I love raw elements, simplicity and comfort,
Noises make me nervous, from time to time I've been mistaken to be unsociable.
Naturally, I fell in love with the silent world in the pinhole.