Yumi's still dreaming, I've yet to feel her paws slapping me in the face telling me to walk her.
Right, I'm up and Cow's running late. Not even bothering to brush my teeth (not like I'm gotta talk to anyone anyway, the neighbours are more fortunate than I am, most of them only gets outta the house around 8 or 9ish), grabbed the two leashes and hooked the two of them up.
At this point I heard a yawn from Yuki, great I thought, she's finally woke up.
Cow's off and so should I, "come on gals, lets go for a walk."
It literally took me 5 mins to close the front gate, Yuki's started to protest, she wanna stay in bed. Yumi who spent the past 10 mins wandering around with the clueless owner is more or less in her full form.
So the one at the end of the two leashes are torn between staying and going out, if given a choice I'd run straight back to bed, NOOOOOOOOO then I'd be tormented by the whines and cries of the six-month old.
Finally got outta the house, Yuki took a last glimpse at the door before reluctantly trailing at the back while her mate dashed straight to the nearest green patch.
The whole walking process just made me feel like those punishment for the gladiators tied to horses and torn to pieces. One canine's happy to sit around and scratch herself to hell, the other is like a buffalo on steroid pulling her cart.
Sigh. Look, I'm not complaining, I'm taking full responsibilities for the two of them since I told Cow that I can cope with an additional member. This is just a grumble, complain consists of resentment, grumble's just bitching and moving on after.
Its clear to me that Yuki wanna get it over and done with, walked past the house, she slipped her slender black butt through the gate. Hoping to exhaust the little one, another round for her before she retires home. Oh I tell you, having the other leash gone, the walk somehow turned pleasant. I smiled for the first time since I'm gotta slumberland, a pretty faint smile, nevertheless its still a smile.
With the Yumi satisfied, we headed back.
No its not the end of my entry just yet.
I wished.
Back in the yard, time for the change of guards. Trying to shove Yumi into the house without Yuki running in is TOUGH, and equally challenging via versa when trying to push the new resident outta the house without the other bitch escaping. Another five minutes lost of sleep time trying to complete the task. By the time I made sure the two of them are comfortable with food and water, the slave is too wide awake to go back to bed.
And here I am, ranting with my half shut brain, the caffeine has yet to kick in. Moral of the entry? Never walk sleepy dogs. Oh and if your other half is keeping you awake in bed, do not hesitate to kick him off.
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