I'm sorry Yuki, I really am.
As much as I'll like to give you a second chance, I do not have the ability nor energy to entertain.
Taking in Yuki has been a challenge, with two canines, its tiring, but that I can still cope with.
Last night while chilling out in the front yard chatting with the neighbours before moving out, Yuki's lil sister came to pay her a visit. I've seen her a week ago, not a regular of this neighbourhood. She's dying to enter our premises. Yuki on the other hand is the alpha, punishing her sibling for her misbehaviour. The latter then disappeared for the night.
6am, Cow's alarm went off, back to the morning routine, walking Yuki and Yumi. Opened the door to find a black shadow sitting by the gate, I smell trouble.
I assumed that Yuki's the reason why her sister refuses to go. Left with no choice, I leashed Yuki and walked her to the construction site behind ours (she's always been wanting to go there). Yuki's sibling followed endlessly. Released Yuki and the two vanished behind the fence. Great I thought, family reunion, returned home, the two black knights were stationed by the gate waiting.....
As much compassion as I have for dogs, I know my limits.
I've sealed off all possible enterance. The two sidlings linges around. At this point I've blanked off Yumi's cry for a walk, my hands were full.
I've passed some bricks to my neighbour advising her that its best to seal off part of the drain, in case the sisters decides to move into hers. My neighbours ain't really a dog person, they don't mind us keeping ours, but would rather not have any themselves.
I prayed, I'm weak and running outta energy. I'm leaving them to HIM.
Just as I start to draft this entry, loud rattling noise echoes. Drew the curtains to investigate, only to be greeted by a pair of bright glowing amber eyes.... Yuki's desperate, she squeezed herself in through the gate and she's now sitting in the pouch.
She's shaning her sister's cry, she wants to stay.
With her sister waiting and crying, I left them alone.
To be honest, I did gave a sigh of relief with the two vanished at the construction site this morning.
I'm too tired to deal with all these. Cow's working late this whole week, its all down to me to deal with the packing and logistics for the move. The house is in a complete mess.
The saga continues. I can't really give a damn at the moment. Heartless it might sound. My to do list is piling and I'll have to get on with it. Sorry Yuki, if your lil sister can't leave you behind, then you might have to go with her.
Took Yumi out for a walk and saw the two black knights popping from two houses down to join us,
I should have known better, Yuki's a pretty persistent canine, while her sister just simply tagged along. Seeing her panting from the heat, my heart aches, tempted to give her some water, but I know I can't. Fighting my urge to slam open the gate for Yuki, there's just no more room for her other companion.
I'm sorry Yuki, I really am.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Big Sista

As Cow was turning into the porch, Yumi attempts to dig herself outta the house to greet him. Sensing that her claws are not made of diamond drill bits, she resolved to whining.
Yuki heard her cry and went to the door to calm the rascal down, standing by her as Cow parks the car, never leaving her sight. That was a touching moment.
During our evening walks, she patiently waits for the rascal to finish her nosing about before proceeding on. Lil rascal picked up a shuttlecock from the road and started playing like some lil kid while big sista watches. Short attention span, bored, moved on. Just then big sista picked up the shuttlecock, ran up to Yumi and dropped it in front of her as if asking, "You still wanna play with this?" Rascal," Oh I almost forgot about it," picked up her toy and moved on.
Enjoying her big sista's pampering, Yumi's wondering why she's not in the house like she is. Even with the sliding door keeping them apart, she chose to sleep next to her new playmate in regardless to where she decides to nap as though to let our new resident know that she's not alone.
This is what I like about dogs, with children we have to teach them the sense of responsibilities, most of the time it has to be infused. Yuki has just been with us for two days, and she's picking up her roles pretty well. No doubt Yumi's the rascal, that's due to my over-pampering, but my underlying statement is sometimes dogs are more sensible and sensitive than humans. Words can be pretty cheap nowadays, human say things they do not mean, whereas for canines you can look into their eyes and they are pretty much an open book.
Yuki's learning to enter the world of the humans, well she picks it up quick from Yumi. While watching us play ball, she decided to join in. Great for her that she's loosening up, bad for me having to juggle the two. Yumi got jealous, what used to be her ball is now in someone else's mouth. As spoilt as she is, having two tennis balls ain't doing any good, Well they din't really start a fight or anything, coz I stopped the game before any rivalry starts. Managed to calm the duo down, they are now chilling and taking a nap. (Why does it just sound like I'm a mother of two?)
Since Yuki's the designated outdoor security, she's only allowed in the house to escape the scotching mid-day heat, and evening she'd be out again. Not all that bad I suppose, don't think I can handle the both of them if she's indoor the whole time.

Yumi's still dreaming, I've yet to feel her paws slapping me in the face telling me to walk her.
Right, I'm up and Cow's running late. Not even bothering to brush my teeth (not like I'm gotta talk to anyone anyway, the neighbours are more fortunate than I am, most of them only gets outta the house around 8 or 9ish), grabbed the two leashes and hooked the two of them up.
At this point I heard a yawn from Yuki, great I thought, she's finally woke up.
Cow's off and so should I, "come on gals, lets go for a walk."
It literally took me 5 mins to close the front gate, Yuki's started to protest, she wanna stay in bed. Yumi who spent the past 10 mins wandering around with the clueless owner is more or less in her full form.
So the one at the end of the two leashes are torn between staying and going out, if given a choice I'd run straight back to bed, NOOOOOOOOO then I'd be tormented by the whines and cries of the six-month old.
Finally got outta the house, Yuki took a last glimpse at the door before reluctantly trailing at the back while her mate dashed straight to the nearest green patch.
The whole walking process just made me feel like those punishment for the gladiators tied to horses and torn to pieces. One canine's happy to sit around and scratch herself to hell, the other is like a buffalo on steroid pulling her cart.
Sigh. Look, I'm not complaining, I'm taking full responsibilities for the two of them since I told Cow that I can cope with an additional member. This is just a grumble, complain consists of resentment, grumble's just bitching and moving on after.
Its clear to me that Yuki wanna get it over and done with, walked past the house, she slipped her slender black butt through the gate. Hoping to exhaust the little one, another round for her before she retires home. Oh I tell you, having the other leash gone, the walk somehow turned pleasant. I smiled for the first time since I'm gotta slumberland, a pretty faint smile, nevertheless its still a smile.
With the Yumi satisfied, we headed back.
No its not the end of my entry just yet.
I wished.
Back in the yard, time for the change of guards. Trying to shove Yumi into the house without Yuki running in is TOUGH, and equally challenging via versa when trying to push the new resident outta the house without the other bitch escaping. Another five minutes lost of sleep time trying to complete the task. By the time I made sure the two of them are comfortable with food and water, the slave is too wide awake to go back to bed.
And here I am, ranting with my half shut brain, the caffeine has yet to kick in. Moral of the entry? Never walk sleepy dogs. Oh and if your other half is keeping you awake in bed, do not hesitate to kick him off.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Moving On
Sound to me that the landlord is really trying hard to sell off the property, count her lucky that we're still renting till the end of the month and I'm here to let the electrician in. She's managed to get the developers to send a man down to fix the security alarms for the house, hoping that it would be a pull factor for potential buyers.
Let say if I'm to buy any property in this estate, hers might be the last I'd consider. Firstly its sorta fully furnished (but not up to my standard though), meaning extra cost, and I can't furnish the house to my desire. Secondly, upon entering, anyone observant enough would notice the patch on the ceiling, bad sewage. Thirdly, the three fans in the guest rooms have yet to installed, wires dangling here and there. The sliding door leading to the living room doesn't lock lol. Plus there's like several other corner houses for sale, being in the middle its pretty tight. Oh ya and the tiles in the kitchen's cracked straight down from the ceiling to the floor (not us that did it, the house was completed in a hurry hence the poor job I suppose). The bathroom floods when washing face... and the list of problems to the house continues on.
Unless she sells it at a break even or lower price, if not this house might have to sit around for a year before anyone is to move in.
Since we've signed the tenancy agreement for the new place last night, will be calling them tonight to inform them that we'd be moving out at the end of the month. They gave us very little notice before they put up the "homemade" sign to put the house on for sale, three days would be more than sufficient to notify them before we move out. Just a short two months stay in this place has created more than enough problems and friction, its best to put a stop to these nonsenses before things turn sour. At the end of the day its better to have one more friend than foe.
Its been more than an hour, and the electrician is still on the job. Thanks to him, Yuki and Yumi gets to nap together for the afternoon, with additional comfort of the air-conditioning. Even a nine degree earthquake might not be able to wake them up. With both of them indoors, I can't imagine the amount of fur I'll collect from sweeping afterwards, *Yawn* I need a nap too.
Let say if I'm to buy any property in this estate, hers might be the last I'd consider. Firstly its sorta fully furnished (but not up to my standard though), meaning extra cost, and I can't furnish the house to my desire. Secondly, upon entering, anyone observant enough would notice the patch on the ceiling, bad sewage. Thirdly, the three fans in the guest rooms have yet to installed, wires dangling here and there. The sliding door leading to the living room doesn't lock lol. Plus there's like several other corner houses for sale, being in the middle its pretty tight. Oh ya and the tiles in the kitchen's cracked straight down from the ceiling to the floor (not us that did it, the house was completed in a hurry hence the poor job I suppose). The bathroom floods when washing face... and the list of problems to the house continues on.
Unless she sells it at a break even or lower price, if not this house might have to sit around for a year before anyone is to move in.
Since we've signed the tenancy agreement for the new place last night, will be calling them tonight to inform them that we'd be moving out at the end of the month. They gave us very little notice before they put up the "homemade" sign to put the house on for sale, three days would be more than sufficient to notify them before we move out. Just a short two months stay in this place has created more than enough problems and friction, its best to put a stop to these nonsenses before things turn sour. At the end of the day its better to have one more friend than foe.
Its been more than an hour, and the electrician is still on the job. Thanks to him, Yuki and Yumi gets to nap together for the afternoon, with additional comfort of the air-conditioning. Even a nine degree earthquake might not be able to wake them up. With both of them indoors, I can't imagine the amount of fur I'll collect from sweeping afterwards, *Yawn* I need a nap too.
Naming Game
Cow's urging for a new name for Blackie, I do agree compared to Yumi whom we spent two days thinking of a name, Blackie deserves a nice name too. An re-enactment of the naming process:
(Walking the duo)
Moi: Blackie come. (pause)(frown) YUMI you stop picking up rubbish!!!!
Cow: Oiiii you better come up with a name for her, if not ah she'd be stuck with Blackie before you know it.
Moi: You think of something then. (plying open Yumi's mouth)
Cow: No, I named Yumi, its your turn.
Moi: ok ok, (thinking aloud) what's black and valuable? Diesel?
Cow: (Protested) NO!!!!! Diesel just makes me think of an idiot who can't act.
Moi: (sigh) k k , Darlie? (Grin) She's got nice teeth as well.... Just like *deep*, their teeth looks much whiter compared to norm peeps coz of the skin tone contrast.
Cow: (laugh) Might as well call her Oil lar. Oiiiil you, come here.
Moi: (shake head) Charcoal sounds better.
Cow: Might as well call her Black Gold!!!!
As you already found out, the naming process din't exactly went well.
*Flipping books*
*Still flipping*
(A day later)
Ahhhhhh,..... *blink* Bingo!
Thou shall be known as Yuki.
Yumi our lil plum, the baby.
Yuki, pure as snow, gentle (even though she does growl at Yumi sometimes, but its mainly the rascal's fault).
Best of all, they rythmes lol.
There, I've got her a name.
(Walking the duo)
Moi: Blackie come. (pause)(frown) YUMI you stop picking up rubbish!!!!
Cow: Oiiii you better come up with a name for her, if not ah she'd be stuck with Blackie before you know it.
Moi: You think of something then. (plying open Yumi's mouth)
Cow: No, I named Yumi, its your turn.
Moi: ok ok, (thinking aloud) what's black and valuable? Diesel?
Cow: (Protested) NO!!!!! Diesel just makes me think of an idiot who can't act.
Moi: (sigh) k k , Darlie? (Grin) She's got nice teeth as well.... Just like *deep*, their teeth looks much whiter compared to norm peeps coz of the skin tone contrast.
Cow: (laugh) Might as well call her Oil lar. Oiiiil you, come here.
Moi: (shake head) Charcoal sounds better.
Cow: Might as well call her Black Gold!!!!
As you already found out, the naming process din't exactly went well.
*Flipping books*
*Still flipping*
(A day later)
Ahhhhhh,..... *blink* Bingo!
Thou shall be known as Yuki.
Yumi our lil plum, the baby.
Yuki, pure as snow, gentle (even though she does growl at Yumi sometimes, but its mainly the rascal's fault).
Best of all, they rythmes lol.
There, I've got her a name.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A Two-Day Decision
Arranged to meet up with the housing agent last night, got hold of the tenancy agreement and made our first month's deposit as a display of promise for the lease.
Overall we are pretty satisfied with the new place, much bigger space, more rooms and a study. The auto-gate brought the grin on my face, no more standing in the rain waiting for the Cow. Very soon I might just be able to go online as and when I wish (I hope), and maybe I might be able to finally watch TV as well,... ahhhh the plain luxury which I've almost forgot,... Not all pleasant, the pouch doesn't come with a garden,.... all concrete, which means I have to physically leash Yumi and bring her out for walks at say,..... SIX in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Z-monster protests*
Moving in on the first of next month, and with the Cow's written exam coming up on the 30th, all packing is left to moi. Right, with a six month old puppy, household chores and packing all that I can pretty much cope. Now here's where the BUT comes in. Recently that's this black stray with very nice temperament visiting the estate. Well you can pretty much see what's coming don't you?
As the new residence isn't compounded like the current one, with me alone at home most of the time, and Yumi being an indoor canine, the porch is pretty much left unattended. With that in mind, it came across to us that "employing" a second security hound might be a good idea. After two days of decision making (I know its a lil haste), our new outdoor security guard is now sleeping in our pouch. Here's her resume after the first round of interview.
Name: Well, yet to be named actually, since we've just kidnapped her last night.
Appearance: Black, brown eyes.
Age: Our guess is roughly a year old judging from her teeth
Temperament: HAAAA better than Yumi's. She walked pretty well on leash, very patient with the lil rascal, non-food aggressive, just a lil iffy with showers.
Height: A tint taller than Yumi
Health: Wounds much more severe than Yumi's when she first came. Ticks, fleas. FILTHY. Not certain in regards to worms yet, had to pay a visit to the vets. Healthy gums.
A quick shower washed off most of the dirt and sand on her, and just like Yumi when she first arrived, Blackie (her temp name since she's black) has skin problem, abrasion wounds and of course TICKS since she's a stray. Blackie's gotta take alot longer than Yumi to recover as she's spent a year being a stray while the baby only spent four months out in the vast jungle of sand, dirt, fleas and ticks. I've managed to nurse Yumi back to a nice coat within one and a half month, don't see why I can't with Blackie. Proper diet, regular showers should do the job, oh and not forgetting a trip to the vets.
The following few weeks gotta be a test to my ability to get outta bed in the morning, having to walk two canines won't be easy. Blackie's fine,.... Yumi's the spoilt one.
And now having two canines to make comparison with,.... I'm afraid I might have to start taking sides. Cow's pretty much attracted to Blackie, giving praising of her great temperament,.... almost forgetting the praises he used to make on Yumi on how cute and adorable she is, so therefore I'm on Yumi's side to be fair.
I'm with Yumi for obvious reasons, she came to us first and I prefer a dog like her than Blackie.
Blackie's too nice and sweet, not challenging enough for me I suppose. I prefer a dog that's slightly more fun, more active, and more human like, one that makes me think. Yumi whines and bitch, but personality wise, she's a big baby and I like that. Well who ever cries the loudest in this case gets more attention from me.
Blackie being older is more calm and independent. Yah she cries when I bring Yumi out for walks, not that she's jealous, but more to the fact she's insecure in her new environment, fearing that we are ditching her. I'm sure she'd get used to it eventually. As I "speak", she's contented just snoozing in the front yard and ironically, Yumi's all spread out on the couch enjoying the coolness of the air-conditioning.... Apart from personality differences, the two gals had different agendas as well. Blackie yearns to be an indoor pet, slipping into the house whenever she gets the chance to. Yumi on the other hand had her ultimate goal to be kept outdoor. Whenever the front door opens, the change of guards occurs, one goes out while the other slips in.
I'm not too sure how Cow is taking our new resident, but used to being a strictly one-dog owner, to me Blackie is plainly a case of fostering. The priority right now is dealing with her sever skin condition which will keeps all potential new owners at bay.
(Photos of Blackie does not reflect the degree of her skin condition but what she is within)
Overall we are pretty satisfied with the new place, much bigger space, more rooms and a study. The auto-gate brought the grin on my face, no more standing in the rain waiting for the Cow. Very soon I might just be able to go online as and when I wish (I hope), and maybe I might be able to finally watch TV as well,... ahhhh the plain luxury which I've almost forgot,... Not all pleasant, the pouch doesn't come with a garden,.... all concrete, which means I have to physically leash Yumi and bring her out for walks at say,..... SIX in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Z-monster protests*
Moving in on the first of next month, and with the Cow's written exam coming up on the 30th, all packing is left to moi. Right, with a six month old puppy, household chores and packing all that I can pretty much cope. Now here's where the BUT comes in. Recently that's this black stray with very nice temperament visiting the estate. Well you can pretty much see what's coming don't you?
As the new residence isn't compounded like the current one, with me alone at home most of the time, and Yumi being an indoor canine, the porch is pretty much left unattended. With that in mind, it came across to us that "employing" a second security hound might be a good idea. After two days of decision making (I know its a lil haste), our new outdoor security guard is now sleeping in our pouch. Here's her resume after the first round of interview.
Name: Well, yet to be named actually, since we've just kidnapped her last night.
Appearance: Black, brown eyes.
Age: Our guess is roughly a year old judging from her teeth
Temperament: HAAAA better than Yumi's. She walked pretty well on leash, very patient with the lil rascal, non-food aggressive, just a lil iffy with showers.
Height: A tint taller than Yumi
Health: Wounds much more severe than Yumi's when she first came. Ticks, fleas. FILTHY. Not certain in regards to worms yet, had to pay a visit to the vets. Healthy gums.
A quick shower washed off most of the dirt and sand on her, and just like Yumi when she first arrived, Blackie (her temp name since she's black) has skin problem, abrasion wounds and of course TICKS since she's a stray. Blackie's gotta take alot longer than Yumi to recover as she's spent a year being a stray while the baby only spent four months out in the vast jungle of sand, dirt, fleas and ticks. I've managed to nurse Yumi back to a nice coat within one and a half month, don't see why I can't with Blackie. Proper diet, regular showers should do the job, oh and not forgetting a trip to the vets.
The following few weeks gotta be a test to my ability to get outta bed in the morning, having to walk two canines won't be easy. Blackie's fine,.... Yumi's the spoilt one.
And now having two canines to make comparison with,.... I'm afraid I might have to start taking sides. Cow's pretty much attracted to Blackie, giving praising of her great temperament,.... almost forgetting the praises he used to make on Yumi on how cute and adorable she is, so therefore I'm on Yumi's side to be fair.
I'm with Yumi for obvious reasons, she came to us first and I prefer a dog like her than Blackie.
Blackie's too nice and sweet, not challenging enough for me I suppose. I prefer a dog that's slightly more fun, more active, and more human like, one that makes me think. Yumi whines and bitch, but personality wise, she's a big baby and I like that. Well who ever cries the loudest in this case gets more attention from me.
Blackie being older is more calm and independent. Yah she cries when I bring Yumi out for walks, not that she's jealous, but more to the fact she's insecure in her new environment, fearing that we are ditching her. I'm sure she'd get used to it eventually. As I "speak", she's contented just snoozing in the front yard and ironically, Yumi's all spread out on the couch enjoying the coolness of the air-conditioning.... Apart from personality differences, the two gals had different agendas as well. Blackie yearns to be an indoor pet, slipping into the house whenever she gets the chance to. Yumi on the other hand had her ultimate goal to be kept outdoor. Whenever the front door opens, the change of guards occurs, one goes out while the other slips in.
I'm not too sure how Cow is taking our new resident, but used to being a strictly one-dog owner, to me Blackie is plainly a case of fostering. The priority right now is dealing with her sever skin condition which will keeps all potential new owners at bay.
(Photos of Blackie does not reflect the degree of her skin condition but what she is within)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Run Mr Wilson, Run

This stupid canine likes to chew her toys right next to it,... giving opportunity for her favourite Mr Wilson to take refuge underneath.
Every five minutes or so with her toys, occasion whines echoes the living room. When her cries were not entertained, she simply snooze off next to it, till she gets help from anyone who's hard-working enough to lift up the sofa for her. The moment the ball is out, it rolls back in before we knew it, and the whole whining process starts all over again. Either the canine has to learn to cope with her grease fingers, or she'd have to play with her toys some where else. I've given up.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Teething (Part 2)

Just the other day I've picked up her half chewed slimy rawhide to find the corner dyed red,.... Plied her jaw and discovered that one of her fangs was abit shaky and inflamed, she gave a lil shriek when I tried to touch it. That explained why the food driven canine isn't really touching her meals (we've recently changed her dog food, and I thought it was the taste that put her off it).
Right, from now on her kibbles will be soaked in milk, and to play safe I've used condensed milk in case she's lactose intolerant. Sigh, ya that brought her back to her food bowl, but being the one who had to pick up her business, it became a lil messy. Her stool was softer than before....
Well that's the price tag I've gotta pay to get her eating again.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Lightbox 1.5
My new home-made lightbox is finally completed, with the carton (courtesy of Lee), some tape, tracing paper, kitchen foil, a glue stick, paint, penknife and two days of labour. The next thing to do is to search for a cheap table lamp. This new box comes with a removable reflector panel made from kitchen foil lol.
Did a few test shots, had to touch up with photoshop.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

As I could still recall when my mum worked as a childminder years ago, when the child goes through the teething period, they tend to be rather frustrated and CHEWY.
Teething, a process that Yumi has just gone through,... good for us that she's a very easy canine to look after. Most of the time she knows what she's allowed to dissect and what not, but occasionally there are accidents. Say for example Cow's indoor slippers which he forgetfully left on the floor when we went out for groceries. Thank god mine's still in one piece, Yumi's rather satisfied with his pair to leave mine alone.
Tennis balls, dogs' best friend and the best investment any dog owner would agree on, providing their pets with endless hours of fun time. As you can see from the picture, Mr Wilson's going bald, but he's still putting up a brave face.
The teething period is almost over for our four-legged, I'm happy that not that many items were binned as compared to when Bubble was teething. Remembered this time that he went through my bag and took out a fifty dollar note thinking it might be nice for shredding,..... I've to say, Yumi's teething process is more or less hassle free.
Teething, a process that Yumi has just gone through,... good for us that she's a very easy canine to look after. Most of the time she knows what she's allowed to dissect and what not, but occasionally there are accidents. Say for example Cow's indoor slippers which he forgetfully left on the floor when we went out for groceries. Thank god mine's still in one piece, Yumi's rather satisfied with his pair to leave mine alone.
Tennis balls, dogs' best friend and the best investment any dog owner would agree on, providing their pets with endless hours of fun time. As you can see from the picture, Mr Wilson's going bald, but he's still putting up a brave face.
The teething period is almost over for our four-legged, I'm happy that not that many items were binned as compared to when Bubble was teething. Remembered this time that he went through my bag and took out a fifty dollar note thinking it might be nice for shredding,..... I've to say, Yumi's teething process is more or less hassle free.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Deathnote Ryuk
Pretty late in catching the bug, Deathnote has been out for years and its only now that I've got hooked. The plot's full of twist, which kept me glued to the tv till it reached the last few episode.
No, I'm not talking about Deathnote the movie but the anime. You know how its like when the anime is made into a movie and it sucks? Yah, that's exactly why I've no intention to watch the movie itself. Although I've to say that the actor playing "L" looks exactly likewise to the actual character in the anime, alike almost to the point identical (well at least judging from the DVD cover).
Even though he's just playing a minor role in the story, but my all time favourite character has gotta be Ryuk the Death God. A gothic grim reaper who display redrawal symptoms when he doesn't feast enough on apples, went to earth coz he got bored of the underworld and enjoying the different plots "Light" planned to killed. I guess its the sattle evilness in him that I fell in love with but I find him totally adorable and surprise surprise we've added a Ryuk SD figurine to our collection.
Saw another figurine a few shops down the mall which made me drool, but the shear size and price tag made me walked away, even after 50% off it still costed RM300 .... nah I'll give it a miss.
Nope, I'm not done watching the whole series yet. The story got slight draggy after "L" died, and I've lost the motivation to finish watching it. Will leave the ending till some other day when I'm totally bored to hell.
Links: [Deathnote], [Deathnote wallpaper]
Monday, October 20, 2008
Just another odd depressing entry

Just as I thought we could finally do with some peace for a while, trouble sniffed us out.
For the past two weeks I've tried to emphaize the urgency to look for a new place to stay, but Cow defers. I do understand that at the end of a working week he'd like to just enjoy the time he had before another week starts all over again. But reality is always there, whether we like it or not, I'd rather plan and make sure everything goes smoothly than to leave it till the last minute and rushing it through.
Yes, our landlady has decided to sell the property due to the many problems that arised, hence my urgency to look for a new place. Diligently studying the property column, I've managed to find one house that sounded pretty descent enough, but Cow decided not to view it. Maybe coz the sense of urgency has yet to catch up to him. Sigh.
And just yesterday, the landlady's sister called to inform us that she'd like to come over to pin up the banner to advertise for the property. Its only then that Cow realised that something's gotta be done, something that I do not totally agree with.
Instead of looking for a new dwelling, he's opting for the easy way out, leaving the country sooner than expected. Claiming how by moving here has created so many problems for him.
Instead of escaping, I wished he could just stood up and faced it.
Not that I'm blaming him, but this is how life is, there's always some problem somewhere that would put us off ease.
And as the topic of leaving this country came up, so did the subject of sending Yumi up for adoption. No doubt that was our intention in the first place, to house train her so that she stands a better chance in a good family, but its not hard to start to fall in love with her either.
It seemed that Cow had his mind set on her adoption, instead of even thinking of whether that's any way that she could come with us. Maybe its due to the hassle of moving her, the money involved in moving her or both that in the first place that he's not even considered her coming along with us.
Despite my love for dogs, I'm starting to doubt that I could ever keep any in the future, the departure, the disappointment. No more Crufts, No more dog forums. Dogs now would be known as dogs, they can't have a name. In fact, the pain of giving Yumi is so enourmous at the moment as I'm writing, that I'm even considering of looking for a new family for her. Having her for just under two months and I'm feeling the overwhelming sadness of leaving her behind, don't think I'd be able to take it if she stays with us any longer.
Maybe its that time of the month that I'm feeling depressed, or just plainly life bitch slapping me in the face. I'm feeling the blues.
Problem resolved after chatting.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
KL Photo Fest

Oh back at the photo festival, the booth for lightboxes did caught my interest, in fact I'm planning on a version 2 of my homemade lightbox. The lightbox I have made back in Lala Land still depends heavily on surrounding light source since I'm only using a camping light instead of proper flash. Hope to pop by the shops to get the materials for it in the next few

For the time being my backgrounds for close up shots are the either the sofa for blacks or the top of my washing machine for whites LOL and downside, I can only do the shots during the day using natural lighting. Have to make do with whatever I've got.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Going Green
Green Fingers again, this time a shoe cabinet.... well sort of.
A useless air-conditioner box and some paint I "borrowed" from the painter, and there ... I've got a shoe cabinet. (well borrowed in a sense that they left it outside the house for more than a month, so I took the liberty to borrow it *grin*)
I know, it looks like something you find in the garbage bin, but at least the tree killed to make the box din't die for nothing right?
A useless air-conditioner box and some paint I "borrowed" from the painter, and there ... I've got a shoe cabinet. (well borrowed in a sense that they left it outside the house for more than a month, so I took the liberty to borrow it *grin*)
I know, it looks like something you find in the garbage bin, but at least the tree killed to make the box din't die for nothing right?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Rain Blues

It has been pouring buckets for the past few days, humans are glad to escape from the scotching heat, but canine is feeling the blues.
Outdoor potty trained is great for the owners, but when it comes to rainy days, it became a problem.
With her whining to go to loo or a walk, owner somehow became rather reluctant.
After every trip out regardless of the length, I've received complaints from the Cow for the smell of wet dog.
Carrying an umbrella over to shelter her is pointless, if I keep my distance too close, she refused to carry on with her business.
Its as if she's protesting her rights of privacy.
WTF, she's pooing in public,.... what privacy is there?
Right, since where's no absolute way to keep her dry, the only solution is to catch the short break in between drizzles.
I'd drag the four-legged creature out whether she likes it or not, even when she's still dreamy from her nap.
At least it kinda stopped the smell.
Outdoor potty trained is great for the owners, but when it comes to rainy days, it became a problem.
With her whining to go to loo or a walk, owner somehow became rather reluctant.
After every trip out regardless of the length, I've received complaints from the Cow for the smell of wet dog.
Carrying an umbrella over to shelter her is pointless, if I keep my distance too close, she refused to carry on with her business.
Its as if she's protesting her rights of privacy.
WTF, she's pooing in public,.... what privacy is there?
Right, since where's no absolute way to keep her dry, the only solution is to catch the short break in between drizzles.
I'd drag the four-legged creature out whether she likes it or not, even when she's still dreamy from her nap.
At least it kinda stopped the smell.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Haruhi Suzumiya
Moo's anniversary present.... which had been left in the box for almost two months. Too many dedicate parts, can't be bothered to assemble it, plus we don't have a nice shelf to display it yet.
But it does deserve a picture and after that its straight back into the box sadly.
But it does deserve a picture and after that its straight back into the box sadly.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Time check, 6.54 am, and I'm on my routine walk with Yumi. *Yawn*

(After caffine boost)
Finally got round to sewing the zip for the dog bed. With me slaving away, the ungrateful bitch is sleeping right next to me showing off her undercarriage.
Right .... bitch,..... you will pay for this.
Finally got round to sewing the zip for the dog bed. With me slaving away, the ungrateful bitch is sleeping right next to me showing off her undercarriage.
Right .... bitch,..... you will pay for this.

Monday, October 13, 2008

From squeezing with grandmothers trying to source out the best outta the lot of reduced priced herbs and greenies down to choosing the cheapest inhouse daily items. It was a battle field where the weak do not get to choose.
That's a lotta minotous labour involve though to achieve our barget control, hours of sitting at the dining table shreading half a kilo of parsley to make dry herbs is pretty tredious. My arms are still aching from the boring task. Is it worth all the effort? Oh yah, 51 cents for a whole tub of dry parsley, that's CHEAP!!!!! This is what I'll like to call being money wise.
That's a lotta minotous labour involve though to achieve our barget control, hours of sitting at the dining table shreading half a kilo of parsley to make dry herbs is pretty tredious. My arms are still aching from the boring task. Is it worth all the effort? Oh yah, 51 cents for a whole tub of dry parsley, that's CHEAP!!!!! This is what I'll like to call being money wise.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Just another random rant
Today's vet trip left me even more impressed about Yumi.
The vet was rather surprised when I mentioned that we literally grabbed her outta one of the village. With just one month's stay with us, she's completely free from ticks and fleas and she's in the pink of health.
Vet then proceed to measure her temperature through her *ahem* back entrance.
The previous patient she had before Yumi was extremely fearful and aggressive, bearing that in mind she was rather cautious with her every move.
To her surprise, Yumi took no notice of the "intrusion", waggling her antenna like mad and licking her hand.
Right, since everything went so well, let's push it a lil further, time for the needle.
Despite my constant reassurance to her that Yumi's tolerance to pain is unbelievable, she was still slightly weary. Fine, I held onto Yumi's muzzle then.
Nope, absolutely no reaction from the thick-skinned canine. At that point I suspected her ancestor's line centuries ago might either be linked to an elephant or if not a rhino. She took it as though she just got bitten by a tiny lil mosquito.
In fact Yumi was rather excited during the vet trip, just another day out for this lil girl. Down side, I can't shower her for the next week,...... she's gotta stink like hell!!!!!!!!!!!
While walking Yumi later on, Moo and I noticed a storm brewing afar. Before we knew it, the two idiots set up the camera and tripod,.... spent a good half an hour feeding mozzies.
The vet was rather surprised when I mentioned that we literally grabbed her outta one of the village. With just one month's stay with us, she's completely free from ticks and fleas and she's in the pink of health.
Vet then proceed to measure her temperature through her *ahem* back entrance.
The previous patient she had before Yumi was extremely fearful and aggressive, bearing that in mind she was rather cautious with her every move.
To her surprise, Yumi took no notice of the "intrusion", waggling her antenna like mad and licking her hand.
Right, since everything went so well, let's push it a lil further, time for the needle.
Despite my constant reassurance to her that Yumi's tolerance to pain is unbelievable, she was still slightly weary. Fine, I held onto Yumi's muzzle then.
Nope, absolutely no reaction from the thick-skinned canine. At that point I suspected her ancestor's line centuries ago might either be linked to an elephant or if not a rhino. She took it as though she just got bitten by a tiny lil mosquito.
In fact Yumi was rather excited during the vet trip, just another day out for this lil girl. Down side, I can't shower her for the next week,...... she's gotta stink like hell!!!!!!!!!!!
While walking Yumi later on, Moo and I noticed a storm brewing afar. Before we knew it, the two idiots set up the camera and tripod,.... spent a good half an hour feeding mozzies.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Home Alone

Oh and her independence is being put to the test once again since weekend's around the corner. Since she's been house trained and her bladder is growing stronger by the day, we'd be heading off to Mid Valley after her vet visit,.... so not looking forward to the traffic though.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Project Dog Bed

A queen size bed is simply too small to tolerate a cow, midget and a growing canine ... something has gotta be sorted out.
Found a pretty cheap solution, the project only costed us RM6.50.
- Free blanket from Emirates (grin)
- Two used pillows that were too flat for our likings
- Bought additional pillow from Tesco to extend the dog bed in case Yumi grow anymore... (RM 6.50)
- Zipper from the carrier that came with our existing pillows
- My tiny lil portable sewing machine
End results were better than I've thought, so far so good, Yumi spent the past two nights on her very own bed (after a few attempts of shooing her off ours). Satisfied canine, happy humans, can't ask for more.
Found a pretty cheap solution, the project only costed us RM6.50.
- Free blanket from Emirates (grin)
- Two used pillows that were too flat for our likings
- Bought additional pillow from Tesco to extend the dog bed in case Yumi grow anymore... (RM 6.50)
- Zipper from the carrier that came with our existing pillows
- My tiny lil portable sewing machine
End results were better than I've thought, so far so good, Yumi spent the past two nights on her very own bed (after a few attempts of shooing her off ours). Satisfied canine, happy humans, can't ask for more.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008
It appeared that Ms Pea's guts to 'uglify oneself' is pretty contagious, and the next victim has been spotted, Mr Mad Cow, age 30.
The duo were spotted in XXX lagoon shopping mall's multi-storey carpark making a fool outta themselves.
When reporter interviewed passerbys, here's what they had to say.
"It's pretty entertaining, especially to see an Ang Moh (a term used to describe Europeans) make a fool out of himself"
- Mr Tan Ah Gao
"Scary lor, I thought they just escaped from the mental hospital."
- Ms Jing Hao Lian
"So inconsiderate, pass urine in public area,.... (shake head)"
- Anonymous
"Young people nowadays are so havoc I tell you. Parents never teach lor"
- A Dying Old Man
The episode ended when Ms Pea returned to Singapore, leaving behind the seed of this deadly disease.The authorities had taken action in containing the virus from spreading. Mr Mad Cow has been temporarily been home-bound since he's only in the early stage of the infection. The researchers are now working round the clock to find a cure to this disease that is so new that it has not even been named.
Reporter: Aggy L
Source: Utterly Rubbish Newspaper
The duo were spotted in XXX lagoon shopping mall's multi-storey carpark making a fool outta themselves.
When reporter interviewed passerbys, here's what they had to say.
"It's pretty entertaining, especially to see an Ang Moh (a term used to describe Europeans) make a fool out of himself"
- Mr Tan Ah Gao
"Scary lor, I thought they just escaped from the mental hospital."
- Ms Jing Hao Lian
"So inconsiderate, pass urine in public area,.... (shake head)"
- Anonymous
"Young people nowadays are so havoc I tell you. Parents never teach lor"
- A Dying Old Man
The episode ended when Ms Pea returned to Singapore, leaving behind the seed of this deadly disease.The authorities had taken action in containing the virus from spreading. Mr Mad Cow has been temporarily been home-bound since he's only in the early stage of the infection. The researchers are now working round the clock to find a cure to this disease that is so new that it has not even been named.
Reporter: Aggy L
Source: Utterly Rubbish Newspaper
Friday, October 03, 2008
Pea's Visit
With Pea's visit, Moo has been banished to the living room, not that he minds since the couch is pretty cosy. And he's pretty excited to have guest around, especially its none other than Pea, he just adores his lil sis-in-law as they both share a pretty sad sense of humour,.... yes, a bunch of sadist. Spent the first day of her trip getting lost in KL, and the second day in Sunway Pyramid. As for today, she's still in bed despite my effort of sending my escort, Yumi, to wake her up, all I've got was a moan from her, "Get her outta here!!!!!!!".
Just like old times, stay up last night chatting till half four, never short of topics. Occasionally interrupted by Yumi's snore and our struggle to reposition her fat arse (she tends to take up all of the blanket).
Ohh, booked a flight for her next visit as well since Airasia is having promotion, a quarter of the fare compared to SIA. Will be booking for my folks to come over for a short visit as well, its about time they go on a short break, can't recall when was their last.
Just like old times, stay up last night chatting till half four, never short of topics. Occasionally interrupted by Yumi's snore and our struggle to reposition her fat arse (she tends to take up all of the blanket).
Ohh, booked a flight for her next visit as well since Airasia is having promotion, a quarter of the fare compared to SIA. Will be booking for my folks to come over for a short visit as well, its about time they go on a short break, can't recall when was their last.
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