Moo had finally finished pimping our lappies, the old retarded 15" now looks even more adorable than ever. Although old and retarded, at least it doesn't have Vista on it and thank god for that. Thou lappy shall now be named after thou penguin, from now onwards, you shall be known as Tux.
Being newer, the 17" possess speed which Tux could not deliver. The only downside is it has bloody Vista which Acer doesn't seem to wanna provide any downgrading. It serves me only one purpose, to edit photos. It might seem like a waste of cash to use it just for that reason, but wait till you try to load photoshop on Tux, you would know my frustration. It takes forever just to even get the program loaded.
Still not at the best of health at the moment, with both heat fans on, the temperature in the room had soared to 28.8 degree. At that temperature, I'm still experiencing goosebumps, and shorty after started perspiring. The strange just got stranger, every time I attempt to look down, my world starts spinning like I've just been on a teacup ride. Another two aspirins and slapping a pair of detox footpatch, off to bed soon with fingers crossed that I'd feel better tomorrow. Hopefully I'm not down with another ear infection, my previous encounter hasn't been a good one at all.
With both the fans on the same plug, it took up so much power that it blew the fuse on the multiplug. Kinda freaked me out when Moo showed me the wiring. Yup, as you can see some parts are completely cured and turned rigid. This is one thing we'd never dare try again.
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