K my bad, a good portion of the items were stamped with the 'Made in China' label, but who cares, they are still cute enough to make me wanna empty my pockets. Yes, I've found Daiso in the desert (by chance). The address given on their official website doesn't help at all , all I know was their PO box number,.... yah like I'm gotta send them a postcard and ask for directions at the same time!!! I've managed to find the road that its situated on from a local blog, thank God for blogosphere. And while aimlessly driving around for twenty minutes, Moo spotted it across the road only because the traffic 
lights took ages to change green *phew*.Though the range of products were pretty limited, heh better than having nothing at all right?
Yup, I've forced my dear cow into having some silly shots taken, but din't inform him that the CCTV is just next to us looooool.
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