Wednesday, August 05, 2009

I've been busy

As Nana puts it, he can see tumbleweeds on my blog.

I've been rather busy for the past few weeks, went home for a while and Pea came visit straight after as usual.
Then Adam came over to stay for a day before flying back to UK. Our landlady's planning to sell her house, and her business partners and agent has been coming in rather frequently. Hence more cleaning for me.

The next week or two isn't gotta be much better. Heading to an endurance race this weekend at the circuit, more errands, then a possible dinner appointment when my cousin whom I've not met since I was like five. Looking forward to some catching up. Have to make a trip down to Yen's to collect Yumi's chicken for her barf diet as well. With so many things going on, I've no choice but to push back Yumi's grooming at the vet's.

Germaine's gotta visit next week as well, planning for a short girly trip to Genting. And shortly after, I've to fly again to renew my visa.

Sigh, why the rant? Well if I'm to vanish again, at least you know I'm not dead. Just busy that's all.

Here's some totally random pix of Pea and Bubble during my trip home. Nothing beats spending time with my two favourite beings.

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