It's too stuffy in the house, left the door open for some air ventilation. A lil later, her usual weird noises echoes from the porch to the hallway (her noises consists of whimpering, cries, howls, occasionally some whines that sounds like meows).
Went out to check on her, to my astonishment I found a young dark skin chap squatting on our wall,.... and that is pissing me off. That's a *BEEP* doorbell, does he have to resolve to climbing the wall? Isn't that considered *BEEP* trespassing?
Trying to keep my cool, I started questioning him of his presence. He can't speak nor understand English, neither do I understand his language. Only words he could form was "N**dia" (landlady's first name) and "son". I've seen a picture of the landlady's son, he looked chinese to me, and educated so should at least understand basic English. Seeing that that's obviously communication problem, he turned to his friend on a lil cheap scooter shaking his head.
Mumble something, and still trying to explain to me in his own language.
All this while our neighbour's listening in next door. He questioned the chap, and throughout the whole conversation the poor gentleman could only make out ONE word (that shows that the chap has got serious language problem, even his own race can't seem to understand him). That one word was "Maid". Trying very hard to not yell at him, I broke my sentence down word by word "N**dia... rent... house.... to .... me.... N**dia... not... here.... Maid.... not... here..... they stay in .... XXXXX!!!"
After all my effort, he still dare to ask if he can come in... OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!! For all I know you might be some thief/ robber/ or even a *BEEP* rapist!!!!!
If Yumi wasn't crawling on the wall trying desperately to reach him, he might have just jumped over without me knowing....
To be honest, Yumi was trying to get to him for a pat on the head more likely but seeing a dog jumping trying to reach him just somehow looks threatening, and plus his kind isn't suppose to be near dogs anyway, its against their religion.
Ten minutes spent on shooing him away, as he walked towards their vehicle, I called for bodyguard,.... just as the word "Yumi" came out, he turned towards the gate again..... I gave him my famous evil stare and screamed, "I'm calling my dog!!!!!!!!" He was embarrassed, well if that happens to me I would too, he left.
Thank God Yumi's here, she has certainly saved my day, only thing I wished was for her to grow a lil bigger,.... yah she's still a puppy and if she's to remain at this size,.... she's gotta look way too friendly!!!!!!!!!! Please Yumi, just grow a lil bit more, and pleaseeeeee don't be that friendly either.... If a thief enters the door, I hope you'd at least chew off one of his leg than offer him a cup of tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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