Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Catching ups/ Settling/ Interrogation

Spent an hour on the phone with Salsa, it was nice to hear her voice again. Doing some catching up since I din't manage to meet up with her during my last trip home. Really looking forward to them (Salsa & Anodise) visiting in December. It's gotta be a busy month, GP's finally tying the knot and I'm heading back for his big day, Pea's visiting shortly after then Salsa and Ano.


Back here in our new dwelling, things are settling down, despite the occasional shock of finding dead roaches in unexpected places. Just the other day, Cow woke up to find one lying in the living room, before he could clear the body,.... Yumi got to it one step earlier. By the time I arrived at the scene,... roach legs were everywhere, not to mentioned fang holes in its tummy,..... For the rest of the day, I'd forbidden the disgusting canine from licking me. Gross I tell ya,... GROSS!

Lazed in bed till mid-day, haven't felt rested for so many weeks, woke up with a nasty migraine. Yumi's wound on her paw's looking better after a few application of the med we got from the vet. Even with the wound, her spirit hasn't been dampened, she's still as bubbly as usual as though nothing has ever happened.

While on the phone with Salsa, she asked if Yuki's with us. Sigh, wonder if she's still roaming and waiting at the other house. Hope she's doing well.

Yesterday while having a fag at the porch, Yumi's first lil friend appeared. Think his name is Bryan, Brandon or something like that, age around 10. He spent half an hour at the gate playing with her. And after we became acquainted, he insisted coming in to play with my lil pickle..... With his one leg climbing over our wall, I gave him a stern warning that she's not good with kids even though she loves them and the attention they shower on her.
Then came a list of questions from this curious lil boy:

Boy: Do you have kids?
Moi: No.
Boy: Why not?
Moi: Coz I don't like kids.
(Boy backed off a lil, sensing that my reply might have scared him)
Moi: No dear, not that I don't like kids, just don't like to have kids of my own. (Cold sweat)

Boy: Why don't you like kids of your own?
Moi: Coz I find them troublesome (SHIT!!!! I'm thinking aloud again *slapping myself*)
Moi: No no, what I meant was that I don't have time for them.
(Ya Right you liar!!!! You have all the time in the world!)

The interrogation stopped after the boy's sister appeared, thank god!!!

Oh and for those of you who asked for pix of the new house, sorry that has to wait, was too busy with errands for the past few days, will try to take some in the next couple of days. Meanwhile, here's a look at the study which is joint to the bedroom.

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