My cousin sent a photo she took over the Lunar New Year, it brings warmth even being thousand miles away from home. It eased my home sickness a lil. A sudden urge, picked up the phone and dialled the number that had been so familiar. It's nice to hear my mum's voice again. Distance does make the heart grow fonder. In the past, living under the same roof created much friction and there was never a week that had passed without an argument between us. Ever since I left home, I've grown to miss my family and crave to be around them whenever I've got the chance. In the midst of our conversation, she popped the question, 'So, will you be back in June?' Sigh, I dunno, I wished I had the answer to that. I'm back to the big question mark, what's gotta happen in the next couple of months is beyond our grasp for the time being. We'd just have to go one step at a time.
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