Took a bus from the terminal to town, Taipei Bus Terminal. The buildings that flashed passed seemed gloomy, cold, lifeless, drab.
While trying to figure out our way to the hotel, we landed ourselves with a nice bowl of mee suah (面线), stinky tofu(臭豆腐), BBQ caramelised squid (鱿鱼), corndog and a nice hot cup of almond tea. One word to describe the food,.... nice XD.
The roads here is relatively easy to figure out for newbies like us, though the traffic takes a bit of time getting used to, the swamps of scooters are pretty intimating at first, but that was ok.
Checked into the hotel and off we went again, more walking and more food as we walk some more.
Along the way, we adopted some ophans, fried chicken bits (香酥鸡)(no pix, the food was all gone before my hands can reach for the camera), zhu xue gao (豬血糕 pig's blood cake, with peanuts, shallots, ginger -- not that great), tea egg (茶葉蛋) from 7-11. Oh picked up a nice pair of boots as well.
As you can see, we've take the approach of eating which ever food that appears in front of us, pretty random. No room for main course, we just wanna try EVERYTHING.
Despite the cold looking buildings around us, I totally fell in love with this place. Reason? I love the people here, everyone I spoke to (be it asking for direction, salesperson, passer-by on the street) are so genuine, helpful and friendly. Even the gal who was giving her boyfriend a good tongue leashing, sounds pretty civilised lol.
The service level here is excellent as well, they don't push sales but are more than willing to answer all queries.
Side note, the temperature is around 17- 19 degree, alright for me. The only thing is that my immune system is still pretty weak, and great thanks to the cabin temperature on the flight over, I'm down with a cold. The drug I took caused drowsiness, but that is not gotta ruin our holiday, even if it means I've to walk with my eyes closed. Chao for now, more food awaits us.

Apologizes for the poor quality of the photos, its winter here (short daylight), and also we were more pre-occupied with what goes into our mouth rather than our view finder.
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