Yumi's having a difficult time adjusting to adulthood, and since she's eight months old she's experiencing her first female trouble. Just like me, she PMSes real bad, earning her the title of Yumi the Grouch. Her fuse is pretty good on normal days, but for the past 48 hours she tolerates no nonsenses from her humans. If her cries were not attend to, she didn't hesitate in spanking us with her paws,... sinking in her claws and drag it down any body parts its in contact with,... even my face.
Last night while The Cow was busy with "Left 4 Dead", the canine 'told' him off as the telly was too loud and she can't rest in the living room. Cow being Cow, hardly noticed a glitch. Knowing that that human is useless, she proceeded on to the only person who can do something, ME. She went all the way upstairs to the study whining and put her paws on me for comfort before retreating to a corner for some eye shut. Well the only sound that was deafening her was my keyboard and clicking of the mouse, she can jolly well put up with that.
Comes bedtime, the humans were chatting, she grumbled in attempt to shut us up. It irritates her even more when we laughed it off instead and started calling her the grouch. In return, she gas bombed us the whole night, making the room smell like a fish market. Bitchy really.
On the phone with Cow this morning, he gave further verdict that Yumi's patience was really too short. She was unhappy that he took ages to tie his shoelaces and demanded to be brought out for a wee. More grumbles from her.
As I'm typing this entry,... her high pitch whine echoes down the hallway, she wants a dump. Despite telling her, 'Dear, 15 mins, just another 15 mins and I'd be done.' that only quieted her for a good ten seconds,... and she's back to whining again. Sigh.
In a month we'd be sending her to the vet, not just to stop the canine's PMS, but spaying does prevent health problems in the future. Well at least that's what research reflected. I'm no vet, but its best to just play safe.
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