Moo on the other hand view food as food, those times when he treats food indulgently, he expects the best. So what's the point I'm trying to make here? Don't share an ice lolli or ice-cream bar with Moo!!!
Its the last chocolate coated vanilla ice-cream bar left in the freezer, being nice I agreed to share it with him, BIG MISTAKE! One third of the bar vanished from just one bite, and before I know it, I'm the one who's left with one third of it, my fault coz I like to lick my ice-cream instead of gobbling down like some hungry hyena. Left with a tiny chunk, he had the cheek to ask if he can finish it.....
No I din't give in, it was a torture for him watching me finish off the last of it, well it was a good few minutes anyway. That's the bottom line, don't share ice-cream bars with him!
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