While enjoying my meal, found a grain of sand from my bread. Further investigation and to my astonishment, it's revealed not as a gain of sand but the filling from one of my tooth!!!
The previous filling was done five years ago and I had to undergo two visits to secure it, coz the dentist din't do a good enough job the first time round.
I've long associated dentist with pain and I'm so not looking forward to the trip there tomorrow. Moo asked if I'd like to visit the dentist when we return to UK, but being realistic, the 'Black Hole' can't wait that long.
I might just bring along a club tomorrow and get the nurse to knock me out before they start to torture me.
We were advised by some of his colleagues that a simple filling would cost between 200 to 300 Fr. (o_O") Paying such an insane amount to get tortured!!! So how did the poor fill their cavities? With hay?
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