With such a sweet lil face, how can one not love him. A dog is longer a dog when the owner address 'it' with terms like 'him' or by their names. At which point, they are viewed equally as any other family members.
As much as I love him, it would be unfair for me to bring him along as we travel alot and it would be rather stressful for him to go through frequent quarantines/ boarding kennels. And where I'm staying at the moment, the tolerance level for canines are kinda harsh.
I've constantly worried for him as to me he's my lil baby, whereas to my folks, he's just a dog. This difference in mindsets often created conflicts in regards to his 'upbringing'. But still, the rational thing to do was to leave him with my family who can provide him with attention 24/7, and at his age, he had gotten too used to home that it would be unfair to move him.
Blabbing as usual, anyway, I can't wait to see the lil fella. Two more days, two more days.