Every bits of it, the comfort of home, nagging from my mum, shopping with my lil Pea, Bubble snuggling with us in bed, the closeness of my friends. Two weeks left to enjoy all these, already, I'm feeling the bitterness of departure.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I'm Still Alive
Had been feeling poorly for the past week, busy taking care of the cow who's down with flu-like syndrome which shortly after, I was down with pretty high fever. With temperature as high as 39.7 degree celsius, I was pretty cranky during that six days.
On the other note, Moo has finally bought his 'Sex-box' and a pretty lil Wii for myself *BIG GRIN*. Pea (my lil sis) and I went crazy waving our hands frantically in front of the telly,.... being very careful at the same time not to smash the screen. Oh, and Pea almost smacked me in the face during a Wii tennis match as well. But Overall great exercise I tell ya, so much so that my right arm is a bit sore at the moment.
Recently, Moo had been questioning on why I still keep my contact with 'friends' whom he doesn't deem fit to be in my 'friend list'. A question which I can't answer myself, its just that I've known them for decades, and it would be ashame to just turn my back from them. Sigh, when it comes to my affairs, sometimes the heart just ruled over my brain.
On the other note, Moo has finally bought his 'Sex-box' and a pretty lil Wii for myself *BIG GRIN*. Pea (my lil sis) and I went crazy waving our hands frantically in front of the telly,.... being very careful at the same time not to smash the screen. Oh, and Pea almost smacked me in the face during a Wii tennis match as well. But Overall great exercise I tell ya, so much so that my right arm is a bit sore at the moment.
Recently, Moo had been questioning on why I still keep my contact with 'friends' whom he doesn't deem fit to be in my 'friend list'. A question which I can't answer myself, its just that I've known them for decades, and it would be ashame to just turn my back from them. Sigh, when it comes to my affairs, sometimes the heart just ruled over my brain.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
No pictures this time
Just had supper with Salsa and Ano couple of hours ago. Really missed being able to catch up with friends during the wee hours, rumbling just about anything. I've been so busy enjoying myself that lol sorry to say but this blog might have to be put on the shelf to collect dust for a while.
Oh, and Bubble had been making the most outta our stay as well. Every morning, he'd wait impatiently for his walks. And at night, he gets extremely jumpy as he knows I'd bring out the leash any moment. Yup, I'm back to pamper him to the max.
Come to think of it, this is one of the 'rare' blog entry without any pictures lol. My sis' comp doesn't have photoshop so its kinda a pain in the arse ...
Oh, and Bubble had been making the most outta our stay as well. Every morning, he'd wait impatiently for his walks. And at night, he gets extremely jumpy as he knows I'd bring out the leash any moment. Yup, I'm back to pamper him to the max.
Come to think of it, this is one of the 'rare' blog entry without any pictures lol. My sis' comp doesn't have photoshop so its kinda a pain in the arse ...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
His Name's Bubble

With such a sweet lil face, how can one not love him. A dog is longer a dog when the owner address 'it' with terms like 'him' or by their names. At which point, they are viewed equally as any other family members.
As much as I love him, it would be unfair for me to bring him along as we travel alot and it would be rather stressful for him to go through frequent quarantines/ boarding kennels. And where I'm staying at the moment, the tolerance level for canines are kinda harsh.
I've constantly worried for him as to me he's my lil baby, whereas to my folks, he's just a dog. This difference in mindsets often created conflicts in regards to his 'upbringing'. But still, the rational thing to do was to leave him with my family who can provide him with attention 24/7, and at his age, he had gotten too used to home that it would be unfair to move him.
Blabbing as usual, anyway, I can't wait to see the lil fella. Two more days, two more days.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Just Open Your Mouth!!!

On that note, whenever Moo does something nice for me, be it as small as fetching me a pillow, I'd make sure I thank him for it. I'm not imprecating that we are the perfect couple, but we do take the extra miles to express gratitude. Appreciation doesn't mean you have to get them a sports car or diamond ring, just a simple hug and thank you sometimes goes a long way. If you are thankful that your partner did something nice for you, don't hold back, let them know.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Make a Guess
Given the following five photos, can you make a guess where I've been to recently?
(Click on the thumbs to enlarge)
(Click on the thumbs to enlarge)

What's your guess? I'm being ignorant, it might be a squatters' village or even a refugee camp?
The perculiar thing is that they are all located in an oil refinery area, some tents just next to long stretch of pipings similar to the ones shown on the left.
The toilets looked just like the one in Jurassic Park, any moment a T-Rex is gotta come round gobbling down the fat bloke hiding in it.
So, what's your guess?
So, what's your guess?
Well, it's actually a campsite for local holiday makers,.... some equiped with BBQ sets, some with quad bikes, some with tables and chairs,.... yes, its actually a camping ground!

As I pulled out my camera for a quick snap, group after group of quad bikers started performing stunts trying to get my attention. I had to take a few shot of them since they were so deprived of attention, which I soon realised was a huge mistake. Due to the 'competition' to get their photos taken, one group started to approach me, e-braking just within a metre from where I was standing, sending sand, dust, and rocks right onto my face. We panicked, fled and jumped into the car for refuge, checked the camera and boy am I relieved that it wasn't 'injured' in any way.

Monday, November 19, 2007
No Sweet Talk for Us

Congrats to Mel with his new found love. While breaking the good news to Moo, the following kitchen talk came up.
Me: Come to think of it, you've never addressed me as your 'dear'. They have been an item for less than two days, and he's already got so used to dears and such.
Moo: 'Deer' is too common, why not I start calling you antelope? If you'd prefer giraffe or rhino? After all you did mentioned that the baby rhino on Animal Planet was adorable. Hey, come to think of it, you do have a pet name,... I kept calling you my pig!!!! And you called me an ass just a minute ago, does that make me a donkey too? *Innocent face* Oh oh oh, not to forget, I'm a cow as well *grin*.
Ya, we are not the kinda couple that do sweet talks.
Me: Come to think of it, you've never addressed me as your 'dear'. They have been an item for less than two days, and he's already got so used to dears and such.
Moo: 'Deer' is too common, why not I start calling you antelope? If you'd prefer giraffe or rhino? After all you did mentioned that the baby rhino on Animal Planet was adorable. Hey, come to think of it, you do have a pet name,... I kept calling you my pig!!!! And you called me an ass just a minute ago, does that make me a donkey too? *Innocent face* Oh oh oh, not to forget, I'm a cow as well *grin*.
Ya, we are not the kinda couple that do sweet talks.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Moo Day
Belated birthday post for my SUPER COW.
8th Nov, the day my Super Cow turns another year older. It was tough, but the secret birthday project was successful. Just the day before the 8th, made an order for the cake, Chocolate Fantasy its called. Yes, the staff at the counter wasn't so sure with the message on the cake, my original was to go with 'Happy 29th to a very special cow' and despite my intention, they went with their own and added the word 'Birthday' into it,... sigh.
On the actual day, we went for a meal at Tumbleweed. Right after our orders, I rushed next door to pick up the cake (told Moo that I was going to the supermarket to pick up some moisturising eye patch). Was slightly 'harassed' when picking up the cake, the counter staff started teasing me with the message on it. Back at the restaurant, gave instructions to the waitress before rushing back to Moo, all within five minutes *phew*.
The whole evening, the staff were smiling and eyeing at me, waiting for the signal to bring out the cake. But can't they tell from my hopeless expression? I can't nod!!!! If I do, the cat would be outta the bag,.... have they forgotten that I'd specially instructed them to bring it out fifteen minutes into the main course?
Just when I've given up hope that they would even bring it out, after the main course, I saw a glow from the corner of my eye. Finally, they have decided it's time. LOL man was it embrassing for Moo, ALL the employees there stopped their errands and came to our table. And they had to make it even more entertaining for me, they sing the birthday song not once, not twice but three times, they have truly rehearsed well with the rhyming claps as well Muahahhahaa.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Night Out
Entering the Souq, a local open-air night market, and you would be dazzled by the vibrant colours and enchanted by the smell of spices and herbs. Am I feeling sentimental with this lil island since our stay might be coming to an end? I really don't know, but I'm making the most outta it anyway.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
What's for dinner?
Once again, Super Cow had saved the day, whipping up a whole feast all by himself. He's gone for the healthy-lifestyle course, sushi, seafood miso and last but not least, washing it all down with a nice hot cup of green tea. Yes, and for me, food is never food unless added in a bucket of grease and a cupful of sugar. He's given in and made me fish and chips, and fill up my glass with fizzy soda. I know, gluttony is a sin, and I'm punished by the aftermath, my tummy's about to explore any moment. That's why I'm still up blogging, gotta give it some time to digest before heading off to slumberland.
Monday, November 05, 2007
He Got Away With a Smile

In just a short eighteen minutes, the doorbell rang, I wasn't expecting him to be that quick (ya I know its a HIM coz I've ordered from them gazillion times and its always a HE, and being such a regular customer in the past, they've got my address imprinted in their system as well).
I ran to fetch my purse, DAMMIT Moo has taken all my small notes!!!!! All I have were fives, tens and twenties! At this moment, I felt like a carrot head (translated to chinese? Luo Buo Tou, in short a person who seemed to be a easy prey). With a frown, I fished out a ten dinar note.
Opened the door, and greeted by the friendliest deliveryman, "Good evening mdm, I remember you, you regular customer. Long time no see, you went on holiday?" Of coz he remembers me, one of his favourite customers, one of the CARROT HEADs!!! Its times like this that I blame Moo for stealing all the change from my wallet!!!
Like drug dealers in one of those old black and white detective movies, he handed over the bags of food, while I reluctantly slipped him the note. As many would have guessed, having takeaways, the prices were slightly charged higher than dining in the restaurants, surcharges for delivery (meaning the guy gets paid anyway!!!!).
And yes, he 'short-changed' me AGAIN!!! It's his way of saying, he's providing me with the best customer service I could ever get, and it comes with a price, and he decides how big of a tip he wished to dip in. Once again, he got away with a smile. You should be there to see the grin on his face, it's priceless. With the 'short change' I could have got a generous portion of spicy lamb chops, or two big portions of yummy hot and spicy soup, or ........ never mind,.... Sigh, one of those lessons never learnt. Guess I can't grumble too much, the food is pretty descent and yup, the customer service is indeed excellent. When it comes to great services, I'd always leave a tip, just that I don't like the idea of being forced into it that's all.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Who said air is free?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
What did you see?
What do you see? A woman spinning in clockwise direction? Or anti- clockwise?
If you see it spinning clockwise, you tend to use more of the right hemisphere of your brain,
and anti-clockwise, you uses more of the left hemisphere.
As for me, strange enough, I see both.
So, what did you see then?
and anti-clockwise, you uses more of the left hemisphere.
As for me, strange enough, I see both.
So, what did you see then?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
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